The various programs offered by Young Kashmir Research Society have been devised in order for YKRS to be able to effectively connect with its audience as well as to enable you to gain access to exclusive resources & opportunities. You are encouraged to fill them as & when required.

Filling out the most accurate details known to you is crucial to bolstering our efforts of providing you with the most appropriate help and support needed in your research journey. We are only providing a summarized description of the programs here; complete details can be obtained from the google forms listed below. We urge you to read the form/s completely before posing any questions. In case of any queries, write to us at [email protected] or drop a message in the server. We will be constantly adding new programs as we continue to work towards igniting the passion for research in the community that we wholeheartedly cherish.

YKRS Assistance Program.

YKRS Assistance Application:

This form is for students who already are working on a research project. Through this application, you & your research team will be able to ask for special assistance and guidance from our team of mentors at different stages of your research journey. Such requests can range from seeking one-to-one mentorship to asking for an additional team member. This form is a one-stop solution to all the problems that you will be facing throughout your research. Read the form for more details!

YKRS Fellowship Program

YKRS Fellowship Application:

This application opens the gateway to the fellowship program of YKRS. If you are one of those people who wish to conduct their own research but don't have access to professional help, then this form is for you. The fellowship program aims at providing you with all such resources to fulfill your dream project. The program also aims at connecting like-minded researchers to collaborate on projects and experiments under the guidance of our mentors. More details in the form!

Kindly note!

The questions asked are crucial for assessing you as an individual and gaining insight into your academic interests. Therefore, if you fail to provide us with much information, it will pose a frivolous difficulty in the subsequent stages, which must be avoided at all costs. In case you are unsure about a question, we will be happy to help you out. Any changes in these forms will be notified on the Discord Server as well as on this page. Stay tuned for such updates!